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Tiny Home Regulations In KY

Tiny Home living is becoming increasingly popular. Are you excited about the prospect of living in a tiny house but find yourself confused about the tiny home regulations in KY?

You’re in good company! Kentucky has very complex, delicate regulations for tiny houses which can vary across the state. But we are happy to provide many answers to your permit questions! Skip ahead to our table of specific county and city regulations for tiny homes. Or find an answer to a particular question in our table of contents. You can also go straight to our tiny home shell models that are built to code to find a prefab style perfect for you, or even completely customize your home with our 3D Builder.

Is it legal to have a Tiny Home in Kentucky?

Yes, it’s completely legal to have a tiny house in Kentucky! Tiny houses (if not built on wheels or prefabricated) are considered single dwelling units and require a residential building permit. Even though there are no explicit laws banning tiny houses in Kentucky, local governments vary on building requirements for tiny houses. Ensure you check with your local jurisdiction to gain correct information before you begin constructing your tiny house. There are penalties for constructing or living in a house not up to code or without obtaining a permit.

Is it legal to live in a Tiny Home in Kentucky?

Yes, it’s legal to live in a tiny house in Kentucky. Of course, to make your tiny house livable, you’ll want gas, electric, and water hook-ups in order to thrive on a day-to-day basis. Because Kentucky requires permits for gas, electric, and water hook-ups (as well as the tiny house building itself), ensure you follow all of your local government’s tiny home regulationsg before beginning the building process. 

How do I get a Tiny Home Permit in KY?

Tiny House permits are received by filling out a building permit application and returning it to your local government with the allotted fee. To make it simple for you, we have included a table of links to many counties and cities within Kentucky.

What are my County’s Tiny Home Regulations in KY? 

Each county in Kentucky has differing regulations for tiny homes. To make life simpler for you, we have compiled a table with 25 of the largest counties in Kentucky, including links to their building codes. Keep in mind that tiny houses fall under single dwelling units. Since most cities don’t explicitly state their tiny home regulations, use the contact information on these sites to verify any further questions. 

Boyle County https://www.boylecountyky.gov/161/Building-Inspection
Boyd County https://boydcountyky.gov/construction-permits-inspection/#:~:text=Commercial%20Building%20Permits%20for%20New%20Buildings%20and%20Remodeling
Bullitt Countyhttps://bcplannin6.wixsite.com/bullitt-county-pandz/services-4
Campbell Countyhttps://campbellcountyky.gov/topic/index.php?topicid=227&structureid=78
Christian Countyhttps://comdev-services.com/cds-forms/codes-department/
Daviess Countyhttps://iompc.org/services/building-electrical-division/
Franklin Countyhttps://franklincounty.ky.gov/building-permits/
Henderson Countyhttps://www.hendersonky.gov/96/Building-Codes-Permits
Hopkins Countyhttps://www.hopkinscountyplanning.org/subdivision-regulations-1#:~:text=Subdivision%20Regulations-,Building%20Permits,-Zoning%20Regulations
Jessamine Countyhttps://jessamineco.com/departments/planning-zoning-forms-and-applications/
Kenton Countyhttps://www.pdskc.org/about/pds-staff/building-codes-administration
Knox Countyhttps://knoxcounty.org/codes/pdfs/irc_changes_overview.pdf
Laurel Countyhttps://www.londonky.gov/development/
Louisville Countyhttps://louisvilleky.gov/government/construction-review/building-permits-0
Madison Countyhttps://www.madisoncountyky.us/index.php/apply-for-a-permit
Marshall Countyhttps://www.marshallcountyky.gov/residential-permits/
McCracken COuntyhttps://mccrackencountyky.gov/inspection-department-2/
Nelson Countyhttps://nelsoncountyky.gov/code-enforcement/#:~:text=Building%20Permit%20and%20Inspection%20Fee%20Schedule
Oldham Countyhttps://www.oldhamcountyky.gov/oldham-county-building-inspections
Pike Countyhttps://pikevilleky.gov/code-violation-fines/
Pulaski Countyhttps://www.pulaskigov.com/county-government/
Scott Countyhttps://ordinance.scottky.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Book3-Ordinance-14-14-02.pdf
Shelby Countyhttps://shelbycounty.ky.gov/Departments/Pages/Planning-and-Zoning.aspx
Warren County http://www.warrencountyky.gov/building-electrical-services

What are my City’s Tiny Home Permit Regulations in KY? 

Because regulations regarding tiny house permits vary from city to city in Kentucky, we have compiled a table of largest Kentucky cities with over 5,000 residents. Check out your Kentucky city link to get more detailed information on tiny house permits. 

Fort Thomashttps://ftthomas.org/general-services/forms-brochures/#:~:text=Building%20Permit%20Application
Mount Washingtonhttps://www.mtwashingtonky.org/departments/building-code-department/
St Matthewshttps://www.stmatthewsky.gov/permits/

What is the Tiny House Permit Cost in Kentucky?

The average price for a tiny house permit in Kentucky is around $200. Keep in mind that tiny house permit costs vary in different counties and cities. For example, in the city of Henderson, building permit costs are based on your estimated total cost of building. This means that if you plan to spend $30,000 on your tiny house, it would cost you $80 for a tiny house permit. In contrast, in the city of Nelson, you’ll simply pay $225.

How many square feet does it take to qualify as a Tiny Home in KY?

In Kentucky, you won’t find a minimum size requirement for a tiny house. However, many states adhere to the 2018 IRC which states that tiny houses must be at least 120 square feet. 

Can a Tiny Home be 800 sq ft?

According to the 2018 IRC, a tiny house must be 400 square feet or less. However, at this point, Kentucky doesn’t have any specific size requirements for tiny houses. Check with your local county clerk or building department to ensure you have the correct information for your county or city.  

What are the Tiny Home Regulations in Louisville, KY?

Louisville is the ultimate destination for your tiny house! There are three different styles of tiny houses allowed in Louisville: permanently built on site, prefabricated/modular, or portable. 

Let’s break down the requirements for each type of tiny house:

  • Permanent/built on site: For a tiny house built on a foundation, simply follow the building codes regarding a single dwelling unit and gain a permit.
  • Prefabricated/modular: In addition to gaining a building permit, tiny houses that are entirely constructed off-site must gain prior approval and review from the state. If you plan to buy a modular or prefabricated tiny home from an outside party, ensure they are following state building guidelines. 
  • Portable: Tiny homes on wheels cannot be placed on a site as a permanent residence. These mobile homes must be at least 320 square feet and follow local zoning ordinances. 

Can I put a Tiny Home on My Property in KY?

In short, yes! As always, you will have to have received building permits for your tiny house and approval for the foundation. And in addition, you will have to obtain site approval from your local building department. Remember to ask your local government for more information regarding building permits. 

How long does it take to get a Tiny Home Permit in Kentucky? 

Typically, it takes approximately 5-14 business days to receive your building permit for a tiny house. 

What happens if I don’t get a Tiny Home Permit in Kentucky?

If you fail to receive the needed building permits for your tiny house before beginning construction, you will be fined. With a minimum of $500, the total fee will be the same as the standard permit fee required in Louisville. However, failure to gain electricity permits results in a fee of at least $1,000. Payments will be required for both the penalty fee and the initial building permit fee. Your local jurisdiction may vary on the exact amount of penalty fees. 


Well, that was a heap of information. We hope you were able to find the answers to your questions about tiny home regulations in KY. If you are wanting to purchase a tiny house shell, but have concerns about it being up to code, browse our code compliant tiny house shell models. As tiny house shell shell builders, we ensure that each of our tiny home shells are built according to the 2018 IRC so you confidently know your building follows Kentucky tiny house regulations. 

For more helpful information on tiny home shells, check out our Tiny House Shells: Ultimate Guide, or read up on tiny-house regulations in TN.

With your building code questions behind you, go chase your dreams! 

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